Errata & Additions

The first sentence of the first paragraph on the front jacket flap originally read: “On September 11, 1857, a band of Mormon militia, under a flag of truce, lured unarmed members of a party of emigrants from their fortified encampment and, with their Paiute allies, killed them.” It will be changed to read: “On September 11, 1857, a band of Mormon militia, under a flag of truce, lured unarmed members of a party of emigrants from their fortified encampment and, with some Paiute Indians, killed them.”
On page 27, the picture caption originally read, “James Buchanan. Matthew Brady, Courtesy Library of Congress.” It will be changed to read, “James Buchanan. Mathew Brady, Courtesy Library of Congress.”
On page 72, the fourth line of the first full paragraph reads: “Smith asked Maj. Haight what he would to do . . .” It will be changed to read: “Smith asked Maj. Haight what he would do . . .”
On page 191, the third, fourth, and fifth lines include: “Three were teenagers: William Edwards was fifteen, James Pearce eighteen, and Columbus Freeman nineteen.” It will be changed to read: “Two were teenagers: James Pearce was eighteen and Columbus Freeman nineteen.”
On page 205, the fourth and fifth lines include: “In an oral interview, Pete said his father . . .” It will be changed to read: “In a taped interview, Pete said his father . . .”
On page 219, the picture caption originally read, “Sarah C. Baker Mitchell. Courtesy Utah State Historical Society.” It will be changed to read, “Sarah F. Baker Gladden Mitchell. Courtesy Utah State Historical Society.”
On page 235, the fifth line of the last paragraph reads: “These include but are not be limited to . . .” It will be changed to read: “These include but are not limited to . . .”
On page 245, the entire entries of “Coker, Edward, 27” and “Coker, Charity Porter, 37,” along with the accompanying note on 383n15, will be deleted.
On page 245, under “Cooper, William E., 29,” the following appeared: “He and his wife were living in Dubuque, Scott County, Iowa, in 1856.” It will be corrected to read, “He and his wife were living in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa, in 1856.”
On page 245, under “Deshazo, Allen P., 22,” the following appeared: “Brother-in-law of John H. Baker and son-in-law of John Twitty Baker.” It will be corrected to read, “Brother-in-law of John H. Baker.”
On page 245, under “Rebecca Jane, 6,” the following appeared: “She and her two surviving sisters lived with Jacob Hamblin until she was returned to Arkansas.” It will be changed to read: “She and her two surviving sisters lived with Jacob and Rachel Hamblin until the children were returned to Arkansas.”
On page 246, under “Sarah Elizabeth, 1,” the following appeared, “She was ‘shot through one of her arms, below the elbow, by a large ball, breaking both bones and cutting the arm off.’ . . .” It will be changed to read, “She was ‘shot through one of her arms, below the elbow, by a large ball, breaking both bones and cutting the arm half off.’ . . .”
On page 246, the entry “Edwards, Silas, age unknown,” will be changed to read, “Edwards, Silas, 26.” The following text in that entry will be deleted: “According to Baker descendants, he was a younger brother of John Twitty Baker’s mother, Hannah.”
On page 257, the entire entry of “Edwards, William,” along with the accompanying note on 395n16, will be deleted.
On page 263, the entry “Thornton, Amos Griswold (1832–1902),” will be changed to read, “Thornton, Amos Griswold (1832–1901).”
On page 263, the entry “Urie, John Main,” will be changed to read, “Urie, John.”
On page 266, the eighth line of the second full paragraph reads, “of several Paiutes—’Tat-se-gobbitts, Non-co-p-in, Mo-quee-tus.” It will be corrected to read, “of several Paiutes—’Tat-se-gobbitts, Non-cop-in, Mo-quee-tus.”
On page 266, the last line of the second full paragraph reads, “Mountain Meadows.” It will be corrected to read, “Mountain Meadow.”
On page 267, the entries for “Comanche” and “Chick-eroo” are out of alphabetical order and will be reversed.
On page 268, the entry for “Non-cap-in” will be corrected to read “Non-cop-in.”
On page 269, under “Seaman, John,” the following appeared: “he got scared but three guys went . . .” It will be corrected to read, “he got scared but only three guys went . . .”
On page 269, under “Tom,” the following appeared: “as chief of the Paiutes in Iron County in 1855.” It will be changed to read, “as ‘chief’ of Parowan-area Paiutes in 1855.”
On page 269, under “Tunanita’a,” the following appeared: “were picked up by John D. Lee’s group en route.” It will be changed to read, “were ‘picked up by John D. Lee’s group’ en route.”
On page 271, the entry for the abbreviation “AJ1” originally read: “Andrew Jenson interviews, Jan. and Feb. 1892 . . .” It will be corrected to read, “Andrew Jenson interviews, Jan.–Apr. 1892 . . .”
On page 274, the following appeared: “William Carroll Hill, The Fancher Family, ed. William Hoyt Fancher (Milford, NH: Cabinet Press, 1947).” It will be corrected to read, “William Hoyt Fancher, The Fancher Family, ed. William Carroll Hill (Milford, NH: Cabinet Press, 1947).”
On page 275, the following appeared: “Martha C. Knack, Boundaries Between: The Southern Paiutes (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2001).” It will be corrected to read, “Martha C. Knack, Boundaries Between: The Southern Paiutes, 1775–1995 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2001).”
On page 283, on the second line of note 8, Grimstead is misspelled, it should read Grimsted.
On page 295, the end of note 70 reads, “Eleanor McLean Pratt, interview, in New York World, Nov. 23, 1869, in Pratt, “Eleanor McLean,” 233n28.” It will be corrected to read, “Eleanor McLean Pratt, interview, in New York World, Nov. 23, 1869, in Pratt, “Eleanor McLean,” 233n26.”
On page 323, note 16 read, “William Strong, statement, n.d., in John Steele letter, John Steele Papers, BYU.” It will be changed to read, “John Steele, undated notes, John Steele Papers, BYU.”
On page 323, part of note 25, read, “Milton D. Hammond, Autobiography and Journal, Aug. 17, 1857, typescript, CHL.” It will be changed to read, “Milton D. Hammond, Reminiscence and Diary, Aug. 17, 1857, CHL.”
On page 324, note 29, on the second and third line, “copy at CHL” should be changed to read “excerpts at CHL.”
On page 324, note 30, read, “Strong, statement, n.d., in John Steele letter, Steele Papers.” It will be changed to read, “Steele, undated notes, Steele Papers.”
On page 328, note 30 read, “Volney Leroy King, statement, ca. 1875, 73, . . .” It will be corrected to read, “Volney Leroy King, “Twenty-Five Years in Millard County,” ca. 1910, 73 . . .”
On page 354, in note 37, the following text will be deleted: “The only Edwards known to have gone to the Meadows was fifteen-year-old William Edwards of Cedar, who did not see Lee there until Wednesday afternoon at the earliest—after the time that Lee says he sent the message.”
On page 358, the end of note 118 read, “A clerk’s draft of this letter also has been preserved in Incoming Correspondence, YOF.” It will be changed to read as follows, “A draft of this letter also has been preserved in Outgoing Correspondence, YOF.”
On page 360, in note 23, the following source will be deleted: “William Edwards, affidavit, May 14, 1924, USHS.”
On page 365, in note 108, the following source will be deleted: “William Edwards, affidavit, May 14, 1924, USHS.”
On page 384, the end of note 21 read, “Robyn Chambers Carr, telephone interview with David Putnam, Jan. 16, 2002.” It will be corrected to read: “Robyn Chambers Carr, telephone interview with Jack Stemmons, Jan. 16, 2002.”
On page 392, note 57 read, “Estimated at $20 per head because that is the price of the cattle belonging to the Joneses . . .” It will be changed to read: “Estimated at $20 per head because that was the price of the cattle belonging to the Joneses . . .”
On page 399, part of note 34, read: “Conversation Samuel Knight . . .” It will be changed to read, “Conversation with Samuel Knight . . .”
On page 401, in note 51, Mary Adoline Lee’s middle name was misspelled it will be corrected to read “Adeline.”
On page 405, in note 9, the following page range appears for Beckwith: “120–21.” It will be corrected to read, “119–21.”
On page 405, in note 13, the following source will be added: Voucher No. 9, September 30, 1857, Superintendent’s Vouchers, Superintendent of Indian Affairs Files, Young Office Files.
On page 405, in note 13, the following source is listed: “Jacob Hamblin, Jacob Hamblin: A Narrative of His Personal Experience, as a Frontiersman, Missionary to the Indians, and Explorer (Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1881), 38–40.” It will be corrected to read, “Jacob Hamblin, Jacob Hamblin: A Narrative of His Personal Experience, as a Frontiersman, Missionary to the Indians, and Explorer, The Faith-Promoting Series 5, ed. James A. Little (Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1881), 38–40.”
On page 405, in note 14, the following abbreviated source will be added: McGlashan.
On page 405, in note 14, the following source is listed: “Feargus O’Connor Willden, Autobiography, 4, CHL.” It will be corrected to read, “Feargus O’Connor Willden, Autobiography, 4, typescript, MMMRF.”
On page 405, in note 16, the following appeared: “‘Indian Comanch’ was enumerated . . .” It will be corrected to read, “‘Comanch Indian’ was enumerated . . .”
On page 405, in note 17, the following source will be added: Voucher No. 9, September 30, 1857, Superintendent’s Vouchers, Superintendent of Indian Affairs Files, Young Office Files.
On page 405, in note 18, the following source appeared: “Lynch, affidavit, July 27, 1859, enclosed in Montgomery to Greenwood, Aug. 17, 1859, USBIA.” It will be changed to read, “James Lynch, affidavit, July 27, 1859, enclosed in S. H. Montgomery to A. G. Greenwood, Aug. 17, 1859, USBIA.”
On page 405, in note 18, the following source will be added: James Lynch, affidavit, July 27, 1859, in SDoc42, 83.
On page 405, in note 19, the following will be inserted after this source “J. Forney to A. B. Greenwood, Aug. 1859, in SDoc42, 77–78″: (in this source Forney mistakenly calls Albert “Alfred”).
On page 405, in note 19, the following source will be added: J[ames] Lynch, statement, in “The Mountain Meadows Massacre: Surviving Children of the Murdered Fix the Crime upon the Mormons,” San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, May 31, 1859.
On page 405, in note 20, the following appeared: “Indian Peak informant #24 (identified as Johnny Jake on page xiii), Martineau, 62.” It will be changed to read, “Johnny Jake, in Martineau, 62.”
On page 406, in note 24, the following source will be added: Voucher No. 9, September 30, 1857, Superintendent’s Vouchers, Superintendent of Indian Affairs Files, Young Office Files.
On page 406, in note 27, the following abbreviated source will be added: “LC”.
On page 406, in note 27, the following appeared: “Lemuel was the first Paiute child adopted by Lee . . .” It will be changed to read, “Lemuel was a Paiute adopted by Lee . . .”
On page 406, in note 27, the following sentence will be added to the end of the note: “Most sources identify him as Lemuel, Clem, or Lem, but Nephi Johnson, testifying at Lee’s second trial, called him Alma, which, like Lemuel, is a Book of Mormon name.”
On page 406, in note 28, the following source appeared: “‘Mountain Meadows,’ San Francisco Daily Call, Mar. 24, 1877.” It will be changed to read, “‘Mountain Meadows,’ San Francisco Daily Morning Call, Mar. 24, 1877.”
On page 406, in note 30, the following source will be added: Voucher No. 9, September 30, 1857, Superintendent’s Vouchers, Superintendent of Indian Affairs Files, Young Office Files.
On page 406, in note 31, the following source appeared: “Carleton, 12–14.” It will be changed to read “Carleton, 13–14.”
On page 407, in note 32, the following source appeared: “LaVan Martineau, Southern Paiute Indian Genealogy (Globe, AZ: Martineau Pub., 1996), 39.” It will be changed to read, “LaVan Martineau, comp., Southern Paiute Indian Genealogy, 2d ed. (Globe, AZ: Martineau Pub., 1996), 39.”
On page 407, in note 36, the following source appeared: “U.S. Army, George Montague Wheeler, Daniel W. Lockwood, Geographical Surveys West of the 100th Meridian (U.S.), Preliminary Report upon a Reconnaissance through Southern and Southeastern Nevada, Made in 1869, by Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Assisted by D. W. Lockwood, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army (Washington: GPO, 1875), 37, 47.” It will be changed to read, “Preliminary Report upon a Reconnaissance through Southern and Southeastern Nevada, Made in 1869, by First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Assisted by First Lieut. D. W. Lockwood, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, under the Orders of Brig. Gen. E. O. C. Ord, Bvt. Maj. Gen. U.S. Army Commanding Department of California (Washington: GPO, 1875), 37, 47.”
On page 407, in note 38, the following sources will be added: Willson G. Nowers, AJ1; Willson G. Nowers, note to Andrew Jenson, AJ1.
On page 407, in note 40, the following abbreviated source will be added: “Lee Trial”.
On page 408, in note 41, the following source will be added: Voucher No. 9, September 30, 1857, Superintendent’s Vouchers, Superintendent of Indian Affairs Files, Young Office Files.
On page 408, in note 42, the following source will be added: Kane, Memorandum Book, 19–20.
The spelling of Samuel McMurdy throughout the book will be changed to Samuel McMurdie. Although contemporary accounts of the massacre and court transcripts spell the last name McMurdy for Samuel McMurdie, sources including government records, cemetery records, and McMurdie’s obituary indicate that his last name was spelled McMurdie.